Feel free to get in touch with me (contact information below) to see if I can assist you with your campaigns and help you grow your business in the internet. You can also view my profile in the top outsourcing sites like Guru.com and Elance to see my specific skills set.
I live with my wife, Susan, and my three great kids in Manila, the Philippines. My goal in the next 5 years is to be able to put in place all parts of my business in automatic/outsourced mode, and live the kind of lifestyle Tim Ferriss so vividly described in his book, "The 4-Hour Work Week." There are so many things worth doing and experiencing in life before we pass on the torch. Let's all make the most of our limited time.
About Manila Connection
My knowledge of programming is rudimentary, at best. I'm not here to show you what's under the hood. I test-drive web tools and applications to see which ones work and which ones are worthless. In both SEO and social marketing, there's a right way and a wrong way of doing business; I'd like to show people what the best practices are, which tools or sites work, and where the dangerous curves are.
Manila Connection, primarily, is a hub for clients, both current and prospective. It's designed so that people arriving here from the freelance portals can assess my skills and see if there's a fit with their ongoing and future projects. Hopefully, the information I post here will also be of some help to fellow freelance professionals and those who are seriously considering doing freelance work in the future.
Contact Me

If you have a project that you feel I can help you with, or you would like to clarify the skills set I'm bringing along into your project, please feel free to view my profile or leave me a private message at any of the following sites:
- Guru.com
- Elance
- Lime Exchange

I'm also on Skype, you can leave me a voicemail message in any of the contact options below, and I'll get back to you within 24 hours upon receipt of your message.
- Skype Contact Name: ManilaConnection1
- US Phone Number: 1 (954) 607-7599